Welcome To Our Church

A Worship Service at Christ Gospel Churches Int’l, Inc.®
Christ Gospel is a fundamentalist, Pentecostal Christian group. Like most Christian denominations, it espouses a set of doctrines known as the Apostles’ Creed. Like most Pentecostal groups, the church believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, and Christ Gospel services are exuberant celebrations. People sing, shout, dance, clap, run, praise, and worship God with all their being and all their might.
Yet at times the services are quiet enough to hear a pin drop as members study the Bible attentively.
Christ Gospel churches believe that worshiping God embraces the use of all kinds of music and instruments. At our headquarters church, one will hear drums, guitars, saxophones, violins, trumpets, piano and organ to accompany the singing of traditional hymns, country gospel music, black gospel music, and even classical oratories.
The church emphasizes the importance of being united in the love of Christ, regardless of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, or creed. In fact, Christ Gospel churches were racially integrated long before the rest of society—not because the church was politically active, but merely because it strongly believed this was the right way for Christians to be.
Neither its leaders nor Christ Gospel Affiliated Churches believe that they are the only Christians going to heaven. In fact, they maintain that Christians everywhere should rejoice whenever the name of Jesus Christ is upheld. Christ Gospel churches believe that their ministry is to help Christians discover a closer walk with God. Like other major religions in the world, Christ Gospel Churches believe that the ultimate experience of human beings is to achieve total oneness with the Divine; consequently, the church’s teachings involve helping Christians grow spiritually until Christ totally fills their lives.