Sunday School

The Joseph Children’s Sunday School

The Joseph Children’s Sunday School program reaches ages 2 years through 12th grade, at Christ Gospel Church in Jeffersonville. Classes are constructed to educate our kids on Biblical truths, growing in the Faith and love for our LORD Jesus Christ.  

Each Sunday, kids enjoy Family Worship and Prayer during a weekly assembly program, starting with check-in at 9:30 AM. These assemblies are intended to launch all Sunday School classes each week, together, with the unity of the LORD through our Spiritual Family. 

Classes within The Joseph Children’s Sunday School program include age-appropriate curriculum and topics. Lessons teach our kids the Bride’s Message and a general Bible foundation – experiences from Egypt to Canaan’s Land, prayer, water baptism in Jesus Name, the Rapture, growing in the Stature of Jesus, and everything in between.  

Teachers augment their lessons with activities and other programing intended to give our kids an experience with Jesus. Power-packed programing ensures everyone has an opportunity to recite their Scripture verses, participate in role-playing activities, crafts, giving offerings, prayer, and learning Bible core lessons from their teachers and other Spiritual principles from special speakers. 

Special care is taken to ensure all kids are given the Spiritual education they need during this critical age of their lives. The Joseph Children’s Sunday School is a program God is using to make His Name known and to bless His children now and into the future. 

For a large congregation such as ours, Sunday School offers small group settings where members of the congregation can connect with their peers as they learn how to apply the principles learned in worship services.  Our Sunday School classes bring an experience of a small close-knit community.

Children’s classes meet in the Fellowship Hall second floor classrooms noted below. 

F 121: 2-3 yr olds 

F 207: 4-5 yr olds 

F 205: 3rd – 5th grade 

F 203: 1st & 2nd grade 

F 224: 6th– 8th grade 

F 226: 9th – 12th grade 

Abraham Elders’ Classes

All Classes Meet Sundays from 10:00AM-10:45PM 

Fundations Class

What is It? A class providing foundational lessons in the Bride’s Message. Topics of study have included material from the Basic Doctrine Phase A including Salvation, Ministry of the Holy Ghost, Water Baptism, and much more. Currently, this class is studying Rev. Hicks’s New Revelation I book. 

Topics are covered during an entire academic year, Fall and Spring by several teachers throughout the year. 

Where Does it Meet? Harris Hall 

Who is this Class Suited For? Anyone wanting to learn or review the foundational principles of the Crucified Way or to begin their studies from Christ Gospel Bible Institute. 

Elders’ Class

What is It? A study class in which a group of experienced teachers present lessons that dig into the archives of the Crucified Way Message. 

Where Does it Meet? Chapel 

Who is this Class Suited For? Anyone who wishes to dig more deeply into the principles of the Crucified Way. This is recommended for those who are familiar with the basic message of the Crucified Way and would like to attend a variety of study lessons. 

CGC Jeffersonville Church

Worship Services

11:00 am Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:

7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service

Directions & Contact: