Iglesia Mexicana del Evangelio de Cristo A.R.
Christ Gospel Churches of Mexico is among the fastest growing evangelical groups in Mexico. Today, there are over 500 churches, an Orphans’ Home, and two Bible schools. Support for Mexico ministries is a major focus of Christ Gospel Churches Int’l, Inc.®
The Christ Gospel organization in Mexico began with the friendship of two young women, neither of whom imagined that they would build a global network of Christian churches. In the late 1940’s, Rev. Hicks was introduced to Dr. Graciela Esparza, a young woman who spoke no English, although she spoke seven other languages. Dr. Graci was enrolled in Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Rev. Hicks adopted “Dr. Graci” (as she was called) as family and attended to her needs at school. The two ladies became close spiritual friends. After Dr. Graci graduated from seminary with her M.R.E. degree, God spoke to Rev. Hicks to support Dr. Graci as a full-time missionary. Rev. Hicks generated Dr. Graci’s support from an apartment complex, which she owned and ran, a hobby shop, holding revival meetings, and a storefront mission on Louisville’s skid row.
Later, in the mid 1950’s Rev. Hicks joined Dr. Graci to visit small missions and hold revivals. The Lord led them to the poorest section of Mexico City, Zaragosa, where no church was located. The two ladies faithfully walked dirt streets, knocking on doors to make the name of Jesus known. As Rev. Hicks preached revivals, God did amazing miracles, healing the sick and blind, who then spread the word. People jammed into small humble facilities to hear Christ’s message of salvation and growing in God. Because of the power of Christ, the revivals with Rev. Hicks, and the personal evangelism by Dr. Esparza, God has blessed His work in Mexico and the Christ Gospel ministries have spread to many areas of Central and South America.
In the early days of ministry, people jammed into small humble facilities to hear Christ´s message of salvation and growing in God. Because of the power and fire of God´s word and spirit, and the personal evangelism of Dr. Esparza, the message growing in God taught by Rev. Hicks God has blessed his work in Mexico and the Christ Gospel ministries have spread to many areas of Central and South America.
Early Christ Gospel Services in Mexico City. Worshippers crowded together to hear God’s Word.
The Christ Gospel Bible School in Mexico City graduates 60-75 men and women ministers per year. The program involves a five year curriculum that includes a wide range of classes in Biblical studies, psychology, ministry, life and church management skills. Students work in church ministries during week-ends and school breaks, and they must complete a year long co-op on the mission field before graduation. Besides religious subjects, the Bible school teaches trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, electricity, upholstery, first-aid, barbering, baking, radio technology, and communications so that new pastors can earn a living while they pioneer new missions and churches.
Spanish-speaking individuals who would like information about applying to the Christ Gospel Bible School in Mexico.
“Caring for the Least of These For Over 50 Years”.
How can we who have so much not share with those who have so little?How can we not give our love and support? How can we not be God’s loving arms to heal their wounded hearts.
“In as much as you have done this to the least of these, you have done this unto me” — Jesus Christ.
Matthew 25:40
“Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.”
Psalms 82:3
Hogar Victoria, Nestled on an idyllic, 50 acre ranch in southern Mexico in the town of Nuevo, Necaxa, Hogar Victoria is currently home for 29 boys and 25 girls, ranging from ages of 2 to 19. The only orphans’ home in this region of Mexico, Hogar Victoria cares for children who have suffered loss and tragedy.
Nestled on an idyllic, 50 acre ranch in southern Mexico in the town of Neuavo, Necaxa, Hogar Victoria is currently home for 29 boys and 25 girls, ranging from ages of 2 to 19. The only orphans’ home in this region of Mexico, Hogar Victoria cares for children who have suffered loss and tragedy.
Our children come to us with heart-rending histories. Some were found crying, next to their deceased parents. Some had suffered unspeakable abuse. Some were brought to us by broken-hearted parents, who became too ill or too impoverished to care for them.
A Miracle of Faith
Hogar Victoria is the fulfillment of a life-long dream of its founder, Rev. Berniece R. Hicks. Having suffered the heartache of abandonment and reared in an orphans’ home, Berniece Richards yearned to help other little children, who were left alone, scared, and unloved.
In the beginning, Rev. Hicks found a dollar stuck in her Bible, and the LORD spoke to her that it was a seed gift from Him for an orphans’ home. Then, in 1959, when she unexpectedly received a gift for $600, Rev. Hicks knew that her seed money had grown to $601, and it was time to move forward. It seemed preposterous that such a small amount could support such a major undertaking. Yet she trusted the vision she received from the LORD. She asked her friend, Dr. Graciela Esparza, to help her find a place in Mexico for an orphans’ home.
Sis. Graciela knew of one wealthy lady, Senora Andrade, who owned a ranch in Necaxa, then a long journey from Mexico City, but she had no way of knowing whether this lady was even there. Yet Rev. Hicks insisted they make the trip to share their dream and stand on the LORD’s promise. Miraculously, this lady was home, and she agreed to sell her ranch for a mere pittance: $500 down and $40 a month for the remainder of her life, a promise that Rev. Hicks faithfully kept.
Berniece Richards at age 16 at the Methodist Orphans Home in Versailles, Kentucky.
One of Many Success Stories
“In 1963, when I was 9 years old, my mother died of cancer. Unable to care for us, my father sent my five younger brothers and me to Hogar Victoria. I was scared and hurting—grieving the loss of my mom and angry at my dad for abandoning us. But when I saw the beautiful ranch with its flowering trees, green woods, and pond, my heart felt peace. Here, I learned to study, work hard, and achieve. Here, I learned love and forgiveness, that God had a plan for my life. I graduated from college and took up social work so I could share with others the loving guidance I had received. I now have my own wonderful family. I am forever grateful to Hogar Victoria, Rev. Hicks, Rev. Esparza, and, most of all, to God for my journey.” — Reyna Díaz Olmedo
Berniece Richards at age 16 at the Methodist Orphans Home in Versailles, Kentucky.
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11:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:
7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service