Our History

A Worship Service at Christ Gospel Churches Int’l, Inc.® in Jeffersonville, Indiana.

Christ Gospel Churches Int'l

Christ Gospel Church is a fundamentalist, Pentecostal Christian group. Like most Christian denominations, we espouse a set of doctrines known as the Apostles’ Creed. Like most Pentecostal groups, we believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Ghost) with the evidence of speaking in other Tongues (Acts 2). You may see clapping, dancing, weeping, or lifted hands during our services as we worship the LORD with our entire being.

During a worship service at Christ Gospel Church, you will notice that we believe in worshipping the LORD freely. The Bible commands us in Mark 12 to love the LORD with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We not only worship the LORD inwardly as we put our hearts, souls, and minds upon God during worship, but we also use our bodies and strength to lift up our hands, clap, dance, sing, and shout – not only during worship, but while we receive the Word of God. Christ Gospel Churches believe that worshipping God embraces the use of all kinds of music and instruments (Psalm 150). At our headquarters church, one will hear drums, guitars, saxophones, violins, trumpets, piano, and organ to accompany the singing of traditional hymns, country gospel music, black gospel music, modern contemporary worship, and even classical oratories.

Neither our leaders nor Christ Gospel Affiliated Churches believe that they are the only Christians going to Heaven. In fact, we as a spiritual family maintain that Christians everywhere should rejoice whenever the Name of Jesus Christ is upheld. Christ Gospel Churches believe that our ministry is to show Christians how to grow into spiritual maturity as believers.

Because we strive for a more perfect union with Christ, most church members avoid activities that may distract their minds from God, as it is their goal to live full, complete lives while keeping Christ at the center of their thoughts and activities.

We teach that there are different levels of spiritual growth, which are a matter of individual conscience. Although we have a strong sense of religious commitment, there are no rigid requirements of conformity for membership. People are encouraged to devote their lives to God and to walk in the Light of Truth that God has given them personally. Most Christ Gospel members attend church, Bible study, or prayer groups several times a week. We believe in living full, wholesome lives, enjoying good, clean fun, marrying, rearing families, buying homes, going to school and college, developing careers, striving for excellence, and being responsible, moral citizens in all our actions.

Symbols of Christ Gospel Churches Int'l, Inc.®

When attending our headquarters church, or any of our affiliated Christ Gospel Churches in the USA and around the world, you will notice two distinctive charts hanging in the front of the sanctuary. These two charts, which form the foundation for Christ Gospel’s doctrine and teachings, identify to the world that this is an ecclesiastically affiliated Christ Gospel Church.

We believe that all Scripture is profitable (II Timothy 3:16). That said, Hebrews, chapters 9-11, explain that the Mosaic Tabernacle in the Old Testament was a symbol, a picture, a type, and a metaphor, for Jesus Christ, who is “a greater and more perfect tabernacle.” Therefore, if we want to obtain a detailed blueprint of how to grow according to the Stature (or Likeness) of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13), we should study the Mosaic Tabernacle. Each piece of furniture in the Mosaic Tabernacle portrays a different experience of spiritual growth that Christians can attain as they strive to a more perfect union with God. The words on this chart correlate to King David’s vision for spiritual growth described in Psalm 119. Consequently, ministers will often allude to the Old Testament Tabernacle, for that is our blueprint to becoming more like Jesus Christ. For more information, see Precious Gem link and King David’s Word Tabernacle link.

Our second major chart, the Threefold Nature of Man, details the aspects of our being (body, soul, and spirit), as it is made like a wheel (James 3:6) and in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). This chart shows how our senses operate in the three levels of our being and also resolves the problem of “sin” in a Christian’s life. Simply because we are christians does not mean that we are perfect and incapable of sin. When we receive Christ, He comes as a Seed (a New Heart) within us. Though Christ cannot sin (I John 3:9), He, as a Seed, must grow within us and gradually transform our sinful nature so that the carnal desires of our flesh (our Old Heart) decrease (John 3:30). For more information, see Man’s Threefold Nature: Volume 1, Man’s Threefold Nature: Volume 2, and Man’s Threefold Nature: Volume 3.

CGC Jeffersonville Church

Worship Services

11:00 am Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:

7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service

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