Below is our curriculum outline for the various certificates and diploma programs we offer. When you have completed these credits, you may write us and apply for the various certificates and diplomas listed below. Completing one’s credits does not automatically confer a degree. You must complete an application for a degree and demonstrate that you are a sincere christian, and we must feel that it is not detrimental to our organization to confer on you a degree.
To complete these courses, you will need the original books and the accompanying workbooks.
To see the price list for books and their respective workbooks, Click Here.
For almost a half-century, the Christ Gospel Bible Institute has successfully provided programmed instruction to Bible students desiring to systematically study God’s Word more deeply. To continue to advance that mission, the Bible Institute is pleased to present four new programs that group instructional content from many of the remaining texts written by the founder of Christ Gospel Churches, international, Rev. B. R. Hicks. These texts have previously been available for many years through the Press Department for study in elective courses, but are now organized into programs of additional study for those looking to specialize in their studies of the Word of God. Each program is designed with a specific theme in mind and aligned with the goals of anticipated progressive growth in spiritual education and moral development of an overcoming Christian walking in the Crucified Way. A brief description of each program follows below. note that in each program, additional elective courses may have been incorporated into the body of instruction as relevant or complementary to the primary coursework. Additionally, the Sixty-six Principles course is presented in a modular format in four volumes divided up among the four programs. The programs are in themselves designed in a modular format rather than in a progressive one, so that the programs may be taken in any order.
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
(All Workbook Verification Forms Due by June 5)
11:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:
7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service