We are always to continue this holy exercise in both pleasure and pain. Prayer is not prevailing over what we think is God’s reluctance to give us good blessings in the midst of affliction. Rather, it is laying hold of His highest form of willing delight to bless, console, and heal.” – from the Ministry of Affliction, Rev. Berniece R. Hicks
We believe in the power of prayer—whether we are new Christians, wise, mature Christians, or lost souls trying to find our way back to God. We know that prayer changes things, and God hears our sincere prayers.
We hold prayer meetings at various times of the day and night, seven days of the week, and we keep our Annex building open 24/7 so that our members have a place to come and pray at any time, day or night.
We pray expressively, yielding fully to the demonstrations of the Holy Spirit as taught by Scripture: with shouting, clapping, dancing, praising, rejoicing, warring in the Spirit, with speaking in tongues, and with deep levels of intercession and travail. Our prayer meetings are loud, as people are free to yield to the Holy Spirit and to express their deepest feelings and to worship God with all their power and all their might. Our prayer meetings may also be quiet, as people wait for God to speak through the still small voice within.
We pray to draw closer to God. We pray to develop our personal love relationship with our LORD. We pour our hearts out to God and tell Him all our needs, desires, wants, dreams, and disappointments. We pray to release all our earthly attachments—our fears, our worries, our anxieties, our upsets, and our disappointments. We pray to surrender our lives, our wills, our intentions, and our plans fully to God. We pray to confess our sins, our faults, our shortcomings, the many ways in which we miss the mark. We pray for God to show us how and where we need to become more like Him.
We pray to ask for forgiveness and to gain the grace to forgive those against whom we harbor ill will. We pray for a merciful and compassionate heart. Through prayer, we receive miraculous healings in ourselves (our body, spirit, and soul) and in our relationships. We pray to transform ourselves and to make room for God to do miracles in our lives and in the world around us. We pray to become a vehicle for God’s mercy, love, and light to shine to the world.
We pray to find that mystical communion with God as we experience the power and joy of the Holy Spirit. We pray to yield to the Holy Spirit. We pray to drive back the powers of hate, death, and darkness and to lift up the banner of Love, Light and Life through the Name of Jesus Christ. We pray in the Spirit, for there are times when we know not how to pray, so we turn our souls and spirits over to the Holy Spirit to pray through us with groanings, intercessions, and travail that cannot be uttered by normal language. We yield to the demonstrations of the Holy Spirit, who knows how to pray for us, as we “wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
We pray for our leaders, for our missionaries, for God’s servants everywhere that they may have the strength and courage to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ and fulfill God’s calling for their lives. We pray for the strength and renewal of our beloved Founder and Pastor, Rev. Berniece R. Hicks, who has taught us how to grow in the stature and likeness of Jesus Christ, and whose continued ministry at the age of 91 is nothing short of miraculous. We pray the LORD’s prayer, as Jesus taught us, and at home, we practice praying in secret, in our prayer closet, when we are alone with the LORD and not distracted by the noises and sounds around us. We pray often as a group, for where two or three are gathered together in the name of Jesus, God’s special anointing and power are there.
At church, each prayer group focuses on a different spiritual ministry, level, or age group. If you are a Christ Gospel member and would like to join a prayer group or request special prayer, please contact, [email protected]. If you would like a minister to meet with you personally and pray with you, please contact [email protected].
Because our members need to feel free to share personal concerns with their immediate prayer groups, our prayer meetings are limited to church members.
We hold public prayer services in the sanctuary 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after each worship service on Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday evening, and Friday night. Visitors and members are welcome to participate in these prayer services.
For a prayer group time that is right for you, contact [email protected].
11:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:
7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service