Directory of International Affiliated Churches

Listed By Country

All churches in this directory are independent legal entities with their own boards of trustees or boards of directors. They are organized under the laws of their respective states. They are theologically affiliated with Christ Gospel Churches Int’l, Inc.® and subscribe to the doctrines and ecclesiastical authority of the international organization.

Rev. Valera Kovalenko

Revs. Dino Recalde Mera and Katya Salazar de Recalde
[email protected]
Pastor de la Iglesia del Evangelio de Cristo
Quito – Ecuador

Revs. David and Michelle Fawcett, Directors
[email protected]

Rev. Simeon A. Adenigbagbe, Sr.
[email protected]

Rev Carliss Bailey
[email protected]

Pastor John Ansah
[email protected]

Christ Gospel Church of Guatemala

Revs. Carlos & Susie Stahl, Directors
[email protected]
[email protected]

Link to Website

Revs. Wilbert & Marie Placide, Directors
[email protected]

Sister Monigue Polak
[email protected]

Rev. Gilberto Ramirez

Christ Gospel Church of Iceland
Revs. Magnus & Dora Gunnarsson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Link to Website

Bishop Linden N. Brissett

Christ Gospel Church Of Tokyo, JP
Revs. Ryoichi and Itsuki Nishikawa, Director
[email protected]
Link to Website

Iglesia Mexicana del Evangelio de Cristo

Revs. Ruery & Ivonne Juarez, Directors
[email protected]
[email protected]

National Office
Av. Morelos Mz 84 Lte.
983 Col. Sta. Maria Aztahuacan Del.
Iztapalapa México, DF 09550

Main Church
Iglesia San Pablo (Zaragoza) Calle 19 No. 83,
Col. Ignacio Zaragoza,
Del. V. Carranza, México, DF 15000

Link to Website

Rev. Ayurzana Baatar
[email protected]


Rev. George Semblante
[email protected]

Revs. Vladimir & Olga Savonov
[email protected]

Christ Gospel Church of South Africa
Revs. Bob & Dee Oldfield, Directors
[email protected]

Link to Website

Rev. Sandra Bart-Peters
[email protected]

Rev. Tjietra Jhauw
[email protected]

Rev. Xai Chou, Director
[email protected]

Rev. Robert Phiri
[email protected]

Rev Jeremaa Chitsa
[email protected]

CGC Jeffersonville Church

Worship Services

11:00 am Sunday Worship Service

Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:

7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service

Directions & Contact: