Visitors Welcome – Sunday Nights
Sunday Nights provide a special time of worship, prayer, and Bible study for our youth and their guests. This ministry focuses on helping our youth address the real life challenges they face today. Leaders guide youth in developing a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and His love in their hearts.
Youth leaders have compassionate hearts for the many personal and family challenges that our youth face. The approach is compassion and love, not judgment and condemnation. This is a joyous time of fellowship and outreach to our youth.
Youth Church Services begin at 7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall for 7th graders through 25 years old and single.
This is a program akin to scouting for young people ages 6 – 18, held on Friday nights during the academic school year, to give our youth a chance to learn and apply Christian life principles as they study the Bible, do crafts, play sports, go on outings, and do other fun activities that help mold their character after the example of Jesus Christ.
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Friday Nights for 29 weeks during the academic school year with occasional Saturday outings.
First semester begins the first Friday after Labor Day and ends the last Friday before Thanksgiving. Second semester begins the first Friday after New Year’s Day and ends mid-May.
“Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart.”
Bible Quiz is an intensive, yet popular program among Christ Gospel youth in grades 7 – 12. It is designed to help our young people learn important Scriptures while having a great experience in fellowship, learning, and team play. It follows a fun game format where quizzers try to answer questions based on their assigned Scriptures. The quickest one to hit the buzzer with the correct answer wins points for their team. The youth compete in regional matches with other Christ Gospel Churches, and the final competition is held the final night of Youth Convention. As shown in the practice schedule below, participants devote considerable time to this program.
This program is for Christ Gospel members only.
Practice Times (March – July):
Sunday: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm,
Wednesdays: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm,
Fridays: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm.
Monthly competitions occasionally involve travel to other Christ Gospel Churches.
A fully air-conditioned gym is in use during many of our youth programs. Other gym nights are available for members. Visitors are welcome if accompanied by a member and if they follow church etiquette, gym, and dress rules.
Men’s Basketball — Tuesday 7:00 pm
Skate Night — 2nd and 4th Fridays After church
Volleyball — Saturday 3:30 pm
(Schedule is subject to change)
11:00 am Sunday Worship Service
Sunday, Wednesday, Friday:
7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Worship Service